Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Pets keep you healthy.

Return the favor this holiday by keeping these five things out of reach.
1.String decorative lights (candles, too!) high enough to be out of reach, and keep the wires hidden, so pets don't munch on them. And unplug items when you're planning to be away.
2. Holly, mistletoe, and some lillies could be deadly to pets if nibbled. And poinsettias may make pets sick. Save plants for pet-free zones.
3. Wrapped boxes of chocolates may be hidden from sight, but pets can sniff 'em out -- a major danger because the theobromine in chocolate is toxic to many animals. Stash sweets in the closet until the big day.
4.If they've traipsed through frozen walkways treated with chemical salts wash your pet's paws afterward, or their paws may get irritated.
5.Properly dispose of ribbon, turkey bindings, and package string so pets don't make a meal out of them -- and tangle up their insides in the process.

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